Sunday, April 09, 2006

What was your favorite Judith/Sophia scene on SB?

Mine was the day where they revealed that Sophia killed Channing Jr. I loved how you could see Sophia slipping away from reality, or more accurately coming to grips with the horror of what she had done over the course of those 2-3 episodes.


Anonymous said...

You're right this storyline was great! I also liked the cancer storyline! Judith was great in it, she suffered so much but didn't want anyone to know about her illness!


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it all, but I love everything :)
If I have to choose, it's before Mason +Tori's wedding, when she told him she's proud, the same before his and Julia's wedding. Also the time when CC had to be married to Gina - the Thanksgiving in her pool house, or before Xmas when she tricks Gina and spend a night with CC. When Eden is presume dead (87?), how she deals with it. I do love everything, I told you.

Melissa said...

Hi Bianca & Jana!

Thanks for your comments! I love all your choices for best story!

Anonymous said...

It would be SO hard to pick a favorite scene. Basically anything with CC and Sophia! I didn't know how much of a romantic I was until I watched you two years ago. And now through youtube, etc. I can't get enough again.

I'm trying to relive every scene I can find. :)
